Liverpool Badminton
Liverpool & District Badminton League
Sangster Cup 2021-22
Final KCF 2 (H) v Wavertree (A) Wed 30th March 2022 8pm
Winners KCF 2 336pts to 322.5pts
Most Sangster Cup matches will be held at
Gateacre School, Hedgefield Road, Belle Vale L25 2RW.
Wednesdays 8-10pm
Please arrive on time so that matches can be completed within the 2 hours that are available. Have your score sheet ready and start as soon as you can
Home teams provide the shuttles and away teams share the costs.
Home teams appear at the Top of each fixture.
Score sheets are available on the download page.
Handicaps will be made available to the club secretary after the match has been completed.
This will then be added to the scores to establish the winner.
The handicap committee will oversee the handicaps given.
Sangster Cup Secretary: Allan Jones (KCF) 07804770192
For competition Rules see p30 of the Handbook
Last years results can be located in the archive.